Environmental Health Safety & Loss Control Services


Auto Services

KPA’s Compliance Program helps clients manage all aspects of environmental and OSHA compliance, maintains the premises in a safe condition, and strengthen loss control measures for workers’ compensation and liability insurance. This comprehensive, single-fee subscription service ensures that you remain up to date in all aspects of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) compliance and safety.

Your local KPA EHS Specialist is your primary contact. Your Specialist works with you on your premises to develop and maintain a custom EHS program for your facility. All training, documentation, recordkeeping, and analysis takes place onsite, at the facility. Your local KPA specialist – trained and experienced in the compliance and safety issues that matter to you – makes regular site visits to your location to support your compliance efforts, conduct training and update documentation.

KPA’s headquarters staff provides a strong foundation for the EHS maintenance program. Our staff keeps up with changes in EHS compliance requirements, maintains a fulltime Materials Safety Data Sheet specialist, provides 24-hour telephone support for emergency situations, and offers an online training program that customers can access at any time.



Solution Strategies

Safety pays. There is no better proof than the large reduction in Workers’ Compensation premiums, in garage auto liability premiums, and in reduced damages on the facility lots obtained by KPA clients through implementing loss control programs with KPA. One large facility reduced its W/C premium by over $190,000 a year, and smaller organizations have saved 10% or more of their insurance costs through a systematic loss reduction program.

The lack of compliance with legally-required environmental health and safety programs can be very costly. Fines can run to the tens of thousands of dollars, and the impact on a facility’s reputation can be even more costly.

KPA, the largest Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and loss control consulting firm dedicated to serving a variety of facilities, is your ideal partner for establishing and maintaining compliance with environmental and safety regulations and in managing costs such as workers’ compensation and liability insurance.

Through a combination of regular services that KPA delivers, and programs that we teach you to manage for yourself, the result is that improved safety can pay big financial and human dividends.

KPA offers a comprehensive EHS Maintenance service, which provides an ongoing program to ensure your company is compliant with environmental and safety regulations, provides a safe environment, and controls EHS losses, including workers’ compensation. This service is lead by a KPA EHS Specialist who is assigned to your facility, and backed by a comprehensive set of EHS services including EHS experts, toll-free hotlines, and centralized information databases.

Auto Facilities

KPA’s Compliance for Automotive Retailers and Service (CARS) Program helps facilities, facility groups and other vehicle service centers manage all aspects of environmental and OSHA compliance, maintain the premises in a safe condition, and strengthen loss control measures for workers’ compensation and liability insurance. This comprehensive, single-fee subscription service ensures that you remain up to date in all aspects of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) compliance and safety.

Haz-Comm / Emergency Response – New Training DVD Available

Your local KPA EHS Specialist is your primary contact. Your Specialist works with you on your premises to develop and maintain a custom EHS program for your facility. All training, documentation, recordkeeping, and analysis taken place onsite, at the facility. Your local KPA specialist — trained and experienced in the compliance and safety issues that matter to facilities — makes regular site visits to your location to support your compliance efforts, conduct training and update documentation.

KPA’s headquarters staff provides a strong foundation for the EHS maintenance program. Our staff keeps up with changes in EHS compliance requirements, maintains a fulltime Materials Safety Data Sheet specialist, provides 24-hour telephone support for emergency situations, and offers an online training program that customers can access at any time.

Get Your Safety Program in High Gear!